Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hello out there :)

I have been tossing around the idea of a blog for about 4 years now. My husband and I have been documenting our baking, soaping, and project adventures with no place to catalog them, and it finally seems like the right time.

I grew up in a farm family; my house laying on the outer pastures of my grandparent's dairy farm. Growing up my mother always made things from scratch. I had never had store bought jelly until I started school. My parents even built our house themselves. I knew when I married I had to marry someone who would appreciate the love and art that goes into making things yourself. Thankfully I found him :)

We have become increasingly interested in making things from scratch; be it bread, candles, or preserves. We also love finding others who are living this way. Fiber artists, apiarists, vegetable farmers and the like fascinate us to the point that we have started seeking out any and all open farms in order to learn more. One day we hope to have a little hobby farm ourselves. I would love to give to my kids what my parent's gave me: a deep appreciation for nature, the feeling that you can do anything you put your mind to, a sense of pride in being able to do for yourself, and finally a desire to pass on knowledge that may otherwise be lost by today's "made from a box" society.


Aunt Carolyn said...

I really like your blog. Susan, my friends love your soap.

Aunt Carolyn

Cathy said...

Susan, you are just amazing. You made me cry. love mom