Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cherry Bounce

See what we bought in November? How cool is that?! We can now make wine, beer, soda, and fancy liqueurs. It is a 5 gallon carboy which means we can make lots of whatever we choose. Our first project was making Cherry Bounce for holiday gifts. If you haven't heard of it, Cherry Bounce is whiskey that has been infused with cherries, sugar, and spices. This was a very popular drink in colonial days. Supposedly even Martha Washington had her own special recipe.

You will need(scale as needed):
2 quarts Cherries
1 qt Whiskey-Bourbon
3 C sugar
2 sticks cinnamon
1 nutmeg seed
A very large glass container

Combine cherries and sugar. Add to your glass container. Add the whiskey.

Add the spices and swirl to mix thoroughly.

Cover the top and set in a warm, dark place for 4 weeks. Give it a good swirl once a day.
Once the 4 weeks are over and the sugar is completely dissolved it is time to re-bottle. You will want a large measuring cup, a fine mesh strainer, a funnel and your bottles.

Strain the Bounce into your measuring cup and then pour into jars using a funnel. If you want crystal clear cordial then you will want to do a second straining using cheesecloth or coffee filters. This will take a while.

All set to be labeled and given away! You can find the bottles at Specialty Bottle. Oh, and don't toss the leftover cherries. They make a great ice cream topping!

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