Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Homemade Vanilla Extract

This is another one of those things that if you haven't made you really should. It takes about 5 minutes to throw together, a few months patience, and pays off big in terms of cost.

It seems that everyone has their own opinions of which alcohol to use for making extract. Some like to use vodka because it produces a very pure vanilla flavor. Some, like us, prefer using rum because it adds a warmth, and richness to the vanilla. Whichever you prefer, you can't go wrong! We like to use an aged, golden rum for our extract. We also have taken to mixing our vanilla beans. This year we bought Uganda Gold beans as well as "B" grade extract beans. You should use at lease some "B" grade beans. These are dryer, less expensive, and perfect for making extract. They are a bit trickier to split but will be worth the effort in flavor.

All you need is:
1 bottle vodka or rum
25-35 vanilla beans depending on your preference
Bottles or jars if you plan on giving some away
A sharp knife
and a cutting board

You will need to remove a small amount of alcohol from your bottle. Make yourself a cocktail :)
After your cocktail wears off very carefully slit your vanilla beans down the middle. If you plan on moving them to smaller jars later on also cut them in half.

Then just toss them into your bottle of booze! Seal the top, and gently shake. Let this sit for at least two months, shaking gently whenever you think of it. After that you may use your vanilla. That is it. Nothing to it at all! If you are like us and accidentally bought waaaay too many beans you may want to bottle some for friends.

For Gifts:
Once your extract has developed for a few months you can easily re-bottle it to give away. Just Pour your extract into a large measuring cup. Shake out all of the pods from the bottom of the bottle. Place a few pods into each bottle/jar you will be filling. Slowly pour(a funnel really helps) your extract into each bottle and close.

Add a label or tag and you are all set for gift giving. In case you were wondering we ordered our bottles from Specialty Bottle. Oh and did I mention the best part? When your supply is getting low just add more alcohol and let it develop again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a recipient of the vanilla - I just have to say how wonderful it is and I look forward to getting my yearly bottle. Yummy